Time Local (Valid for Earth only) Universal (Valid for all planets and moons) Hour 00:00-11:59 a.m. and 12:00-11:59 p.m. Valid ranges as for local time Day 01-31, valid for specific month Month 01-12 Julian date Year 04713-00001 BC and 00001-11000 AD 00,000,000.0000 - 5,739,092.4993 Location For Sun, planets and moons For heliocentric Longitude 000° 00’ 00” - 180° 00’ 00” E or W Longitude 000° 00’ 00” - 359° 59’ 59” Latitude 00° 00’ 00” - 90° 00’ 00” N or S Latitude -90° 00’ 00” - +90° 00’ 00” Height 000000 m - 999999 m Height .00001 au - 100.00 au Time Zone (Valid for Earth only) -13.00 - +13.00 Center On From any location From surface of Sun, planets and moons RA 00h 00m 00s - 23h 59m 59s Azm 000° 00’ 00” - 359° 59’ 59” Dec -90° 00’ 00” - +90° 00’ 00” Alt -90° 00’ 00” - +90° 00’ 00” Zoom .200 - 9999